Tuesday 14 April 2020

Apartemen Penthouses Residences Alam Sutera Banten

apartemen alam sutera dibangun diatas lahan seluas 4 Hektar dengan total kawasan secara keseluruhan seluas 19 Hektar. Memiliki 6 tower apartment yang beberapa tower merupakan pet friendly. Letak Penthouses Residences alam sutera tangerang sangat strategis, tepat berada di seberang Mall Alam Sutera. Untuk urusan aksesibilitas, Apartemen Alam Sutera dilengkapi dengan akses tol langsung untuk memudahkan penghuni dalam menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari. Dengan begitu, menetap di Apartemen Penthouses Residences alam sutera tangerang berarti Anda akan mendapatkan aksesibilitas yang sempurna. Elevee Alam Sutera adalah apartemen terbaik yang bisa dimiliki dan juga dijadikan aset investasi.

Elevee Penthouses & Residences Jl. Jalur Sutera Bar. No.Kavling 8, Panunggangan Tim., Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15143 +62 817-5093-334

Terapi Alami Tanpa Obat Sembuh Alami Gresik Jawatimur

Terapi SIKEMBAR 0857-3231-2364 unik karena terapi alami bisa menyembuhkan hampir segala jenis penyakit dan sembuh alami tanpa menggunakan obat, sehingga aman dari efek samping obat. Analisa dan riset yang dilakukan terhadap keluhan pasien bersifat khas, dan telah berhasil menyelesaikan berbagai keluhan tentang penyakit yang bahkan tidak terdeteksi oleh laboratorium. Karena lebih mengutamakan keluhan tubuh sebagai parameter utama.

https://www.google.com/maps/place/Terapi+Sikembar+-+Penyembuhan+Alami+Tanpa+Obat+Dan+Operasi/@-7.3625416,112.6062245,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m11!1m5!8m4!1e1!2s100043609009999102955!3m1!1e1!3m4!1s0x2e780949bfdf6585:0x8a4c2fef8801d382!8m2!3d-7.3625469!4d112.6084132 Terapi SIKEMBAR Perum Sumput Asri Jl. Nanas Blok DQ no. 36, Kec. Driyorejo, Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur 61177. Kontak 0857-3231-2364

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Tech Inventors Can Get the Support from Experts at InventHelp

Anyone who is new to the world of inventing but has a brilliant idea will know that it can be really daunting trying to work out where to go next. For those that have an invention idea that could make a positive impact on the world of tech, InventHelp it is important to move forward with the idea, as so many people around the world now rely on modern tech.

Famous Inventions that Changed the World

Humanity has not been the same since the beginning of time. We are getting new technologies; new inventions and our lives are becoming better every day. There are many famous people who put their own touch into the development of technology and medicine and they forever changed our lives.

Many lives throughout history were dedicated to science and advancing human knowledge. In their honor, InventHelp Inventions here’s a list of the most famous inventions which contributed to living in a world like the one we have today.

5 Amazing Facts About Patents

The word patent means some sort of new and useful invention, method, device or process. If you invent something and get a patent, it means no one else can copy that protect, it is like a copyright in a book, for instance.  InventHelp Patent Patents were first granted beginning in 1474 by the Greeks.
A patent once granted is good For either 14 or 15 years, depending on when it was granted. If the application was filed May 13, 2015 or afterward, it’s good for 15 and if prior to then, it is good for 14 years.
You may not realize it, but millions of applications for new patents are pending at all times! Therefore, it can take more than two or three years for someone to get one on average. With all the entrepreneurs out there trying to break in on their latest and greatest ideas, you should know that since 1970, statistics show the amount of patents requested has risen more than 500 percent!

InventHelp is Ready to Help You Build the Future

The world is quickly spinning into a new version of itself that relies entirely on smart planners and forward thinkers that are going to be able to give the world’s problems fresh eyes and exciting suggestions that just can’t come from the way things used to be. 

Despite understanding that, there are few world leaders - in all senses of the words - that are willing to actually stand behind a good idea and give it the support and encouragement that it needs to get off the ground. 

Enter InventHelp. This is a company that is designed to create a safe space for inventors to come together and take their ideas and make them a reality.  They help in a variety of ways and service the common day inventor first and foremost.  With a specialty and preference for those inventions or discoveries that are helping the environment, there is support and advice available for all those that want and need it.